
Results 16 issues of aneena-thomas

@hyochan pauseRecorder not working in some cases. Version: 3.1.2

🕵️‍♂️ need more investigation
👁 need reproduction

Showing 'TOCropViewConstants.h' file not found


Does this package support expo web?

How to give different colors to dotted and line

Getting this error, when migrating to expo Modal.js:7 Uncaught TypeError: (0 , react_native_1.requireNativeComponent) is not a function at Object../node_modules/react-native-navigation/lib/dist/src/components/Modal.js @wixmobile

needs triage
triage: bug

--- * **Version**: 3.5.3 * **Web/Desktop**: Desktop * **Platform**: darwin * **Avocode UID**: 174597 --- ``` Error: Remote octopus link missing at e.value (file:///Applications/ at e. (file:///Applications/ at tryCatch (/Applications/


Youtube link not working, just showing youtube icon @maherzaidoune

Is this package support expo?

How to open a side menu by clicking any of the bottom tab options? @wixmobile

needs triage
triage: bug

Does this support expo web?