Andy Stanford-Clark
Andy Stanford-Clark
according to `` MaterialUniform has a getter and a setter. Looking at `input-selection.html` as an example in onSqueeze() ``` let uniforms = currently_grabbed_box.renderPrimitive.uniforms; uniforms.baseColorFactor.value = [Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), 1.0]; console.log("random...
Node-RED version: v0.17.3 For some reason the twitter input node couldn't connect to twitter, and this happened: ``` 3 Nov 15:34:41 - [warn] [twitter in:b8b051fc.e5fd3] stream error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED...
could you surface this through bitio, please? would love to use the microbit as a compass peripheral! How would calibration work... need some thought...
After a long time (weeks) of pinging every 15 seconds, Node-RED crashed with: 26 Jan 12:46:45 - [red] Uncaught Exception: 26 Jan 12:46:45 - Error: spawn ENOMEM at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11)...
In the log files, there's a field `location|horizontalAccuracy` which one might infer the meaning of, but doesn't have units, doesn't seem to be a percentage, so I'm wondering if anyone...