Andy Postnikov

Results 118 comments of Andy Postnikov

Using PHP 8.2alpha3 with Drupal I'm getting lots of errors in tests because of access to undefined properties, the workaround is to allow `#[\AllowDynamicProperties]` annotation to mocks but I see...

Not sure this issue makes sense nowadays, the only issue I have is the one test on x86 (32-bit), other 7 arches works without issues*imagick&branch=edge

Thanks, gonna dig it and provide testing for 32-bits (I'm not using any 32-bits as well)

on PHP 8.3 one test started to fail on 32-bit arches ```diff TEST 2/13 [tests/call-multiple-times.phpt] ========DIFF======== var test=1+1;alert('test'); 002- test(); 002+ test();F� ========DONE======== FAIL Call jsmin multiple times [tests/call-multiple-times.phpt] ```

on builders the same test failed for PHP 8.1 and 8.2 on aarch64 and x86_64

Yes, and there's new release

Used to build from on Alpinelinux, it's required `export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DALPINE_LINUX=1"` to skip execinfo miss according to **EDIT** CI pipeline for all aches

Please recreate

Other thread suggested to use `gdSupportsFileType()` but I can't figure from there about is `.avif` support exists only for read or encoder also present

Looks it builds fine using PHP 8.3RC5