Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson
Refer to and if wanting to provide such a thing. This is not part of the JPA spec, and would follow what we already do for a N-1...
If we want to do something like SELECT FROM MyClass WHERE :myObj.someField.contains(this.field) and then try to compile it, we get a message like Cannot perform operation ".contains" on
The log of the test : 10:08:19,171 (main) DEBUG [DataNucleus.Datastore.Schema] - Column "pymodule.`name`" added to internal representation of table. 10:08:19,171 (main) DEBUG [DataNucleus.Datastore.Schema] - Field [] -> Column(s) [pymodule.`name`] using...
If we have something like class Base (SINGLE_TABLE, with DISCRIMINATOR) class Sub extends Base (SUPERCLASS_TABLE) and we have a query like SELECT b FROM Base b WHERE (TREAT(b) AS Sub).someField...
Look at "test.jdo.application" DependentFieldTest "testDependentFieldsInverseMapsDeletion". This passes when using pessimistic transactions, but when switching to optimistic it causes testDependentFieldsInverseMapsDeletion(org.datanucleus.tests.DependentFieldTest) Time elapsed: 0.463 sec
Some RDBMS don't return enough info so we can't do accurate compare
I've encountered a bug. This only happens if the query is a little bit complex. The abstract pattern of the query is like: predicateA && (predicateB || predicateC) Where predicateB...
If we have an embedded object with a field of type Set and this stored in a (join) table, we currently only allow this to be stored in a single...
Java 18 marks these classes as "deprecated, for removal" with no replacement. We should consider their removal from DN code. See