Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson
The typical use-case is a query retrieves a field value. If the field is enhanced as a normal access (as opposed to `getViaCheck` or `getMediate`) then `isLoaded()` will not be...
if intending on making changes that impact on not just core, be aware hat 5.0 will need to be released at some point and if you don't get it done...
There have been many changes to the handling of the OperationQueue since this issue was raised. Also no testcase was provided with it, so no way of reproducing what this...
@nlmarco I thought the description I put for this issue "The (only) reason that this could be useful ..." was quite clear ;-) Yes, this is a minority use-case (IMHO...
While doing this, we should consider adding a method ExecutionContext.findObjects for multiple ids of the same candidate.
The latter item "ExecutionContext.findObjects" was added to v5.1.0.m5. The original item needs a test case defining so that we have something to work against.
DataNucleus has had a single "OperationQueue" since v4.0 and so part of this was enabled back then. In terms of RDBMS, _CollectionMapping_, _MapMapping_ and _ArrayMapping_ all have calls to _ExecutionContext.flushOperationsForBackingStore_...
For **PostgreSQL** this would be `CREATE TYPE my_gender AS ENUM ('Male','Female')` Create a table using this type, like this `CREATE TABLE PERSON (ID INT NOT NULL, GENDER my_gender NOT NULL);`...
SELECT FROM A WHERE a.b == :param1 && ( a.coll1.contains(:param2) || ( a.coll2.contains(var1) && :param2.coll3.contains(var1) ) ) Specifically the problem with this query is firstly that it uses OR, which...
This likely works with some 1-1 uni relations, since we map them to N-1 uni internally (and that allows join table). Needs testcase(s) defining with the precise situation for this...