Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson
It would be desirable for the lifecycle transitions to better respect when a datastore doesn't support transactions. For example, if makePersistent is called then this is effectively going to put...
We currently do not consider variables in in-memory evaluation. What we would need to do is change JavaQueryEvaluator.execute to handle the filter and result etc inside a loop, so we...
When we have a class A that has a relation to class B, and in the metadata this relation field is not made explicitly persistent this should be fine (since...
Moving a collection element fails for One-Many bidir when it is done by setting a collection (containing that element) on a new owner. This is the case both for FKSetStore...
The org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.primarykey.PrimaryKeyGenerator class has several TODOs that indicate support for compound identity is missing. This would be nice to have so I'm just opening a bug to request/track the additional...
Attached project demonstrates that PersistenceManager.detachCopy(Object) fails when the object graph has these properties: 1. There is a loop 2. The loop contains a Map key 3. The Map key has...
This feature was only partially implemented (only some EC methods handle it, no SCO container methods handle it) and is of little value to any right-minded person. One option is...
If we want to have a statement like `SELECT ... FROM MYTABLE WHERE MYCOL IN (?,?,?,?,?, ...)` we could allow the input of a single JDOQL / JPQL parameter that...
Some RDBMS allow specification of FOREIGN KEYs at the end of a CREATE TABLE statement. We should allow it. CREATE TABLE TBL1 ( ID INT NOT NULL, COL1 INT, FOREIGN...