Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson
The structure for changing this is now in place in DN 4.1 and has been done for Sets, Maps. So wrappers for Lists can be modified from 4.1 onwards without...
The JDO2 spec defines the ability to specify fetch groups using field specs including field1.field2 field1.field2.field3 field1#element field1#element.field3 This is low priority since the same can be achieved by specifying...
We have assorted persistence properties such as datanucleus.generateSchema.database.mode, datanucleus.schema.autoCreateTables etc that can be used to generate schema at startup. We don't currently have a way of marking a class (via...
Being able to check the inheritance level of an "id" is essential, but on occasion we know that an object is of a particular level or subclass (e.g relation loading)....
The (only) reason that this could be useful is so that you can allow fetch of unloaded fields while detached (but while the PMF/EMF is still open).
CompleteClassTable should potentially be able to provide naming for embedded collection elements (where the element is stored nested in something like a JSON/XML object), or embedded map keys/values, etc. Currently...
The enhancement contract will cater for normal Java serialisation where a user doesn't change the default process, OR where they make use of `out.defaultWriteObject()`. The `dnDetachedState` field is serialised/deserialised since...
The current technique used to queue operations in optimistic transactions is flawed: it queues operations _per collection_ and does not honour the order of operations between different collections. If I...
current: ``` try { return Class.forName(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new NoClassDefFoundError(e.getMessage()); } ``` and it should be: ``` try { return Class.forName(className, false, CurrentClass.getClass().getClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException...
When enhancing a class marked as @Embeddable the class is enhanced, however its jdoCopyKeyFieldsXXX methods are not set (empty body) and so the key fields are not copied. This is...