Andy Chong
Andy Chong
this snapping feature is still there I believe, the column clicked will snap in place when there's less than 4 columns in view, you can try it yourself there must...
I found the variable that responsible for this behavior, in the tweetdeck bundle.js ``` this.handleScrollColumnToCenter = function(e, t) { var i, n, s, a, o, l, c = r.default.getColumnElementByKey(t.columnKey), u...
handler function above is triggered by event "uiColumnsScrollColumnToCenter" I looked into some of the sample in repo, will event override like below work? I referred the code and modified from...
another possible delay is the firing of published query when each new insert is detected, this will cause slowdown especially if the query itself is slow, e.g. multiple join. I...
I have a suggestion to make the query to refresh run on debounce, so that it only re-query when the insert stop coming on user specified interval, e.g. 10 seconds,...
Right now if I set minInterval as 10 seconds, it'll still re-query every 10 seconds, if there's insertion going on, it'll run non stop. Is it possible to have it...
you got the gist of it, but current existing trigger options still evaluate the condition callback on each row insert, it would be better performance wise if the LiveMysqlSelect.prototype.matchRowEvent handle...
this ready() is for the .change() call, or there's no ready() for query change made with .change() i'll try to make a minimal code base to see if I can...
I tried to created a tinytest for this issue in this commit below, not sure if it's correct, can you take a look at it? It fail the test, but...
okay, the issue I saw only happen during invalidation of MysqlSubscription caused by .change(), it will give ready() as True when it first invalidated, but .length is not correct. How...