Hail > long press the app icon > add to home screen > skip You may encounter a prompt asking you to grant Hail the permission to add to the...
This crash is in com.oasisfeng.condom.PackageManagerWrapper#getApplicationInfo(String,ApplicationInfoFlags) It should override this, but not. see
dirty fix: island/shared/src/main/java/com/oasisfeng/island/firebase/ ```java final CondomContext condom = CondomContext.wrap(context, "Firebase", new CondomOptions() .setOutboundJudge((t, i, pkg) -> ! "".equals(pkg)).addKit(new NotificationKit()).addKit(new PowerManagerKit()).setPackageManagerFactory(new PackageManagerFactory() { @Override public PackageManagerWrapper getPackageManager(Context base, PackageManager downstream) {...
Insular doesn't seem to have followed up on Island's updates resulting from policy changes related to Google and/or Firebase, thus not introducing condom and the compatibility issues associated with it.