Andy Eschbacher

Results 22 comments of Andy Eschbacher

For what it's worth, I wrote my own version of spatial lags that take into account `nan`s with the following logic: 1. If a target geog has all nan neighbor...

The interactions are the same as on a webpage, so people will find it kind of annoying, especially if it's posted as a webpage (which is common: As interaction...

I'm starting to reconsider the scrollwheel zoom. One way it's great is that if you want to zoom to a fractional level to get a specific view of the data...

I don’t like it either but think it’s the best experience. I really wish that if a user was really scrolling on a page then the map wouldn’t zoom. On...

Thumbs up for `scroll_zoom` and other zoom control options!

@oleurud, I think this should be on the roadmap for v1.0

I think this is a great idea. As part of this, what do you think about smoke tests to ensure things are happening/displaying as expected too?

We should add this information to the README (`Works with Jupyter, Databricks, Mode, Google Colab, etc.`) and maybe other places in the documentation. For Databricks, since it's different from the...

hey @mehak-sachdeva, do you have this notebook or a start of it?

The problem I'm experiencing: if I create an API key that's only for use with the Maps API, then I get the "Access Denied" error when running that SQL query...