Results 72 comments of Andrew DeRosier

I'm thinking Cave Story 64 right about now

Just wanted to make metalsonic71's dream a reality Anyway I may try it (weapon icons) eventually and hope that some boss tiles don't start overriding other crap because there...

Ironically it was because of me trying to fix the player falling off of the minicores

The Minicores that revolve around the core, but I'm saving that for last

I could do it for the core body, but not the rotators (backgrounds just don't work that way). This introduces a problem with layering though. Every other entity in the...

I think NXEngine does something similar to avoid worrying about reordering them in front/behind the core. Somewhere in the hundreds of commented lines... I haven't given it a good read...

I should really get those rotators in, huh

I've been messing with that sprite a lot and it displays wrong in a different way every time. When curly shoots hers it shows a tile or 2 of white...

Right now this is fixed in hell and broken outside of hell apparently. I'll close this and the other one together once that is fixed.

Apparently my check for OPTION2 flag isn't right... NXEngine seems to treat them as 4 objects instead of 2, so I'll have to figure that out. ![firefox_2018-04-06_22-17-15](