Andrew Rodionoff
Andrew Rodionoff
There seems to be some incompatibility when loading Python functions. Try to upgrade your Vim to at least 7.4. I think that will fix it.
I can't reproduce this. It seems that you have some imap on '.' that outputs to stdout and garbles screen. Can you show me output of :imap in python buffer?
Hmm. There's no mapping on '.' but something clearly runs on dot pressed. There's no 'syntax error...' string anywhere in flake8-py. Do you have some other syntax checker or completion...
Sorry, I can't find anything that outputs to stdout in flake8-vim. There must be some conflict with your mappings in insert mode. I can only hope that you find what...
Sure, this would be great. Please feel free to submit pull requests and I will help in any way I can.
Hi, Chris. IIRC, pep8 provides simple registration of check functions. I think that adding extensions to flake8-vim can be as simple as this fragment of code: ``` from hacking.core import...
Whoops, forgot the link:
Hi. I'll look into it. Any particular details, Go version, docker/no docker, command line flags?
Yep, there seems to be a problem with current implementation. Will look into it asap.
Tuned go-diskqueue parameters a little in 4880498d. On my PC it amounts to 10 percent load or so.