Results 264 comments of Andrey Listopadov

I appreciate if someone make AUR and PPA packages to help with distribution

hm, so instead of passing additional arguments to `fzf-file` this PR makes a separate command for that purpose? I think your previous method is more simple in a sense that...

Maybe we could have both ways, as they aren't mutually exclusive?

`fzf` is meant for fuzzy selection. Using it as an ordered menu is kind of impractical tbh. I guess to achieve this, a custom `fzf` command can be made, that...

maybe not exactly what you want, but I have a `recentf` function in my configuration, that keeps an updated list, which is sorted. It has a `fzf` command as well:...

I think it should be possible to remap keys right now, though it may be a bit not user friendly to do. Have you tried remapping?

ah, I see what you mean, yeah, this needs some tweaking in the `kaktree--ret-action` and maybe a custom option to control whether to descend by default.

I don't remember exactly, but I think it should use the jumpclient.

Kaktree should use the last active client to show the opened file. So if you just select needed client first, then go to kaktree and open file it will be...

Hi, can you be more specific on which tools are non-posix? It requires Perl, and ls with posix keys.