
Results 6 comments of andrey-nakin

> The fix is scheduled to be released with version 4.1.0 Great news, thank you! Is the fix committed to `master` branch for me to take it and use in...

Here's a sample setup demonstrating the issue. We have a supergraph API (which is used as an entry point to all underlying APIs) and a single subgraph API. Supergraph API:...

@benneq Looks like it stops working with a real multitheading environment. The following example does not work for me: ```java @Controller public class DemoController { public DemoController(BatchLoaderRegistry reg) { reg.forTypePair(String.class,...

@rstoyanchev There's nothing special in my GraphQL schema. The simplified examples above illustrate the issue perfectly. I believe the problem might be in GraphQL Java library, I found a very...

@rstoyanchev ok, here's another example. I have the following Java class: ```java class Airport { String name; String cityCode; } ``` and the corresponding GraphQL type in my schema: ```...

I prepared a simplified example that reproduces the issue: (notice using of `introspection` branch). The issue still exists in Tyke Gateway v4.2.0.