
Results 13 comments of gdb.eth

@onrik I am using geth, and if "nonce" is not specified in the request, geth treats it as invalid.

Cool, glad to hear that! > It would nice to know if gasUsedL2 on an optimism vm is reasonably similar to what is used on an L1 ethereum VM. Do...

(in progress, will update with time) Optimism research: * It is possible to [estimate the L1 gas cost]( if we have any trouble getting the proper values required for cost...

Let me describe it in a bit more general form: > As a User of `dna-chisel` I want to define my own description of constraint and be able to use...

An example of what I have achieved with longer description: ![image](

Created a very first prototype: ```python class GCContentVariance(EnforceGCContent): def __init__(self, allowed_gc_difference, window, location): self.allowed_gc_difference = allowed_gc_difference super(GCContentVariance, self).__init__(window=window, location=location) def evaluate(self, problem): """Return the sum of breaches extent for all...

@Zulko Unfortunately, it is not gonna work for us, because our constraint check should be 100% similar to Twist so that we don't end up with a false-positive situation. We...

Last working prototype. One note, currently it returns only two breach locations with max and min GC, similar to Twist. ```python class GCContentVariance(BreachMixin, dc.Specification): """Specification on the variance of G/C...

On the contrary, I use DNA chisel mostly for validation and getting the proper messages, the dna weawer constraint is just a wrapper. I just wanted everything to be consistent...