Andrew R. Freed
Andrew R. Freed
Lalit, it looks like the Watson SDK lets you pass in proxies: I suggest defining two new `config.ini` proprerties (say, `url_http_proxy` and `url_https_proxy`) and if they are not...
It looks like the updated import is `NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1`, possibly the other NLC-specific methods need refactoring.
One confounding factor is if the dialog does something like `intents[0].intents.startsWith` or similar SpEL logic
@leighawilliamson @kevin2107 please note both capabilities (logs #227 and blind test #224 ) are addressed, see linked pull requests. Thanks to many for review and help especially @lmazzoli who helped...
Multiple updates in place and enough NLU function is updated that the WA path works. Still waiting confirmation on NLU capability in various Python flavors.
Had Slack discussion w/ Keith on testing, this capability works in most recent Python versions. There is an SDK issue on NLU on older Python versions; workaround is use Python...
Additional info on need for newer Python version when using NLU:
Disambiguation is available on lite plans now.
Still seems applicable - the linked issues covered `system_settings` but not `webhooks`. This probably does not affect classification model but still means the duplicated workspace is not quite equivalent to...