Andrew Plummer

Results 205 comments of Andrew Plummer

So, I can't really figure out a way to test this, but I naively tried `string | String` and it doesn't seem to throw an error... what do you think?

> You use something like this to check types? `'bla');` Exactly. > I never used the primitive types wrappers explicitly, and afaik this is considered as a bad practice, I...

Are we good then? I'm going to wait for a final approval from you so that I don't have to keep bumping npm version numbers :)

It seems that Webpack is using some other way of importing the declarations files than /// ... I'm moving that to this thread to help figure it out...

@qvazzler Apologies, I *did* know about the referencing here, in fact it was the same issue that @trikadin raised a few comments up. It seems that this is in fact...

OK, there were a couple other issues with this, but I think I got them sorted out. For reference, the updated version is 2.0.4. Note that if you are going...

Well, Sugar's original form -- in fact perhaps the reason it exists at all -- is in extending native prototypes. This is now optional, so the typings that support that...

Extended mode is not separated in this way, nor can it be. It's a feature that's part of the sugar-core module that allows any defined method to be extended across...

It should be! I see it in the declarations file now as well... It should be called like this: ```Sugar.Date.minutesAgo(date)``` If this isn't working can you provide a repro maybe?