Andrew Plummer

Results 205 comments of Andrew Plummer

Will have a look into this... thank you!

Thanks there may be issues with the declarations files... this is going to get a rehaul soon so I'll have a look at it then!

There should be a `sugar-extended.d.ts` that you have to manually include via a [triple slash]( directive. As not everyone uses Sugar in extended mode, the declarations are not included by...

Provided everything is in the same runtime environment, then `Sugar.extend` should only be called once... However, modules can be extended separately such as `Sugar.Array.extend()`, in which case they can be...

Hmm... I'm not sure exactly what you're doing, so it's hard to identify a quick fix. Ideally an app should have one entry point and Sugar should be both required...

I'm going to circle back to TypeScript issues soon, I'll have a look at that when I do.... thanks!

Yes lots coming on this one. Typescript will be fully supported.

Thanks for this! Yes there was a publishing error... Just pushed out a new version and should be fixed now!

Yup that sounds like a great idea. I'll leave this ticket open as a reminder!

Hello, sorry to take so long to respond to this. I'm having a look at it now and the resetting the time is definitely a bug, but there is some...