Andrew Liebchen
Andrew Liebchen
The hints, purple boxes around click targets that appear when somewhere other than a target is clicked do not appear when using the FlowComponent. For example, hints will show here:...
For me, the ability to make use of `React.Component`'s `props` and `state` is the real value of this work; though don't get me wrong, the JSX is great too. Even...
When trying to run the example, Webpack complains it doesn't know about the spread operator: ``` /Users/liebchen/Desktop/react-framer/webpack.config.js:24 ...base, ^^^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token ... at createScript (vm.js:74:10) at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:116:10) at...
Tried to use in the way that the React documentation specifies... ``` var ReactCSSTransitionGroup = React.addons.CSSTransitionGroup; ``` ...which throws an error. Do `CSSTransitionGroup`s work with Meteor, or a might I...
Make it easier to clear individual filters. Make it possible to clear _all_ filters with one click.
Also, could add all compiled code to `.gitignore`.