@leefionglee @kshalini Hi! I've train faster rcnn on imagenet (200 categories), hope this can help you!
Hi @deep0learning, I don't have plan to implement this in the near future. If you are interested in this, I'm willing to have your pull request 😄
Hi @ArghyaPal , directly changes to other dataset might lead to unexpected results. There are some factors that you might have to take care - different image size -> different...
will check it these days, I doubt that it's about the version of pytorch since this error didn't appear before.
my mujoco-py version is mujoco-py==0.5.7 I'm not sure if it appears in other version
By annotator ID, I mean the information to identify who gives a particular annotation.
hi @carpedm20 thank for your great implementation, but I wonder if there's any other results for Mujoco benchmark