{ "result": { "active_time": 1625171169, "biz_type": 18, "category": "cz", "create_time": 1625160394, "icon": "smart/icon/1541647698myzx2yx1yk_0.jpg", "lon": "23.7563449", "name": "Smart Socket", "online": true, "owner_id": "30719948", "product_id": "37mnhia3pojleqfh", "product_name": "Smart Socket", "status": [ {...
Smart plug WiFi Gosund SP111 3450W 15A Until i have link it to iot platform is reading wrong values. What can i do, i need iot platform for tuya...
Hello guys, i've solved my Gosund SP111 problem. It was all my fault, i wasn't activated "Device Status Notification" IoT platform. Go to Cloud/My Services/All Services and search for...
For those wrong value's you can just create a Template Sensor: - platform: template sensors: plug_voltage_round: value_template: "{{ '%3.1f'%(states('sensor.ty3038076070039f64c78f_3')|float / (10)) | float }}" friendly_name: 'Plug Voltage' unit_of_measurement: 'V' This...
My last update is, I gave up and started converting to tasmota. I used my raspberry pi and flashed tasmota.bin on "Gosund Plug" over the air (wifi), no soldering. Now...
> I tried all above with no fix. So went through all downloaded HACS and clicked redownload and reload. Now working fine I only redownloaded Mushroom Card and Button Card,...
Mine are becoming unavailable every 2 hours since Home Assistant 2023.2.5 update.
Just download v3.3.0 version, this will fix the problems for now until is gonna fix it. Mine is working ok now.