Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson
This is fixed in #45, could you accept that pull request please? Otherwise, this role just doesn't work on Arch Linux hosts, because `samba_services` is not a parameter than can...
As @luc-tielen says, the number of people contributing to llvm-hs is tiny compared to the number of people contributing to LLVM, so we are naturally going to be slower at...
@GuerricChupin there has been some movement on this issue recently! Unfortunately, the design of LLVM IR is such that types depend on module state in the way you've laid out...
Incidentally, llvm-hs-pretty has been updated to match this change, which was a very large but simple refactor: We'll be pushing out a release of llvm-hs, llvm-hs-pure, and llvm-hs-pretty...
@apaszke @tmcdonell what was the eventual outcome on this? If there's nothing we can do about this in llvm-hs, we should probably close the issue rather than leaving it dangling.
It would be good to get this done on the llvm-12 branch before we cut an eventual `llvm-hs-` release!
@scuellar just to update you, I've started working on this. Unfortunately, the LLVM documentation appears to be severely out of date. The documentation says that only a small subset of...
@jfaure there's certainly an argument to be made for it. Do we actually use numerical indexing on a list of types with `Data.List.!!` in the code? If so we probably...
Just an update since I've put a few hours into this recently: I have no idea what's going on. I've stepped through the whole process of creating the instruction, and...
This sounds like something is going wrong in cabal2nix or similar. Can you still reproduce this issue?