I should say that's it not a perfect experience...yet My mouse doesn't appear to function at all when not running in fullscreen mode. Strangely I'm completely unable to rebind any...
> Thanks a lot @andrew-mcmahon. I should update the README with this. Thanks for taking the time to improve and get AvP running natively: It feels as though it's...
...Ugh...Maybe. As a bit of a extra challenge I always tried to make Jules and Jops make it to the end. The rocket soldiers blast you to bits when you...
Where's this feature been all my life? Always hated the sluggish/inconsistent screen scrolling; I might actually be able to beat _Cannon Fodder 2_ now without casualties. It looks fantastic -...
Grabbed the Arkham Collection recently. Working after some tweaks with [protontricks](; I used the following command from the latest report: > protontricks 35140 dotnet20 d3dx9 d3dcompiler_43 DX9 performance isn't equal...
As much as I've tried, I can't seem to reproduce this problem on my R9 285 (TONGA/GCN3) The worst problem I've seen is an [over saturated mobile phone]( which I...
So about a 100 (yikes!) hours later I've finished all the single player stuff and obtained the [rare achievements]( Nothing bad to report really just the odd minor graphical oddity;...
I'll give you my thoughts for what it's worth; I'm only seeing a few niggling issues with the game. I've 100% the single player and have [finished most parts of...
Is there anything that I could provide that would be useful Rhys? Some more [images](
I wrote a bash script to partly solve this problem: You'll need flac, innoextract and bchunk installed plus the current GOG Windows installer i.e: `setup_redneck_rampage_2.0.0.11.exe` I'm using Debian Testing...