Andrew Delph
Andrew Delph
@jvsteiner > this port surpasses the performance of badger Can you share the metrics for this? I cant seem to find any benchmarks.
Hello @dprotaso , I added a unit test to cover the image pull error caught in the e2e tests and updated the code.
It can be tested using the file here: 1. `ko apply -f hello.yaml` 2. remove the `os.Exit(0)` from main.go 3. `ko apply -f hello.yaml` 4. see the first revision...
A possible solution can be found here:(wip)
Some details to consider. - The decider will generate desiredScale of -1 if it cannot generate metrics - metrics are generated off probing the revision - A crashing rev will...
Hey @dprotaso, I looked into the initial-scale. In the case it is scaled to 0 early, it will be false. Then future traffic configs including the rev will be rejected.
I see two different scenarios here as: A) Wait for progressDeadline pros: possibly achieve safe rollback status cons: will consume resources B) Kill once new revision is healthy pros: save...
/test istio-latest-no-mesh