André Vitor Terron
André Vitor Terron
Hello! I just wanted to share that I tried installing AppMover using Carthage. When I used version 1.0 I got an error, but when I changed to use master it...
Allow .sass files to be used as well. I can also update the README to include the .sass extension, but I don't think it's needed.
The `successes` function behavior can be achieved using PromiseKit's `when(fulfilled:)` and `Promise.recover`. This reduces the need to keep up with the ids for errors, and means one less helper function...
Example: http://localhost:4322/integrations/github/github-users-stars-pagination/#email-yourself-when-you-get-a-comment-reaction This is only triggered by a few code snippets. My hypothesis is that some keywords like `Bearer` could be triggering them. This is what the page looks like:...
If the table has too many columns, the column menu on the tables page gets too big, and isn't scrollable. That means it's impossible to set a column to visible...
This happens on the postinstall script of the `cloudflared` package
On package.json and on .nvmrc
Let users try the dashboard before creating an account. Some options for when to prompt them to create an account - When they want to configure remote access (tunneling) -...