André Silva

Results 12 issues of André Silva

### Version 2.9.0 ### Reproduction link []( ### Platform and OS info iOS 14.4 (simulator) / Android 11 (emulator) / NativeScript 8.0.0 / macOS 11.2.3 ### Steps to reproduce Execute...


I'm trying to apply a v-if condition inside an ActionItem, but when the condition is true, instead of just making the ActionItem disappears, it also makes the ActionBar title disappears....


**Module version** 1.11.3 **Describe the bug** When generating a static version of the project with `npm run generate`, the following error is generated: ``` ERROR in ./node_modules/vuetify/src/components/VGrid/VGrid.sass (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--6-oneOf-1-2!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-1-3!./node_modules/vuetify/src/components/VGrid/VGrid.sass) Module build...

I'm trying to use this plugin to set up daily reminders for the user. The user can choose the time of the reminder then the app schedules the notification with...

Installed everything, migrated, but when I try to set a Setting it gives me this error: Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Setting' not found I'm using Laravel 5.4.

### Which platform(s) does your issue occur on? - Android (I'm not developing for iOS) - Android 9 - Device Moto G 2014 (Thea) / Emulator Google Pixel 3 (Genymotion)...

needs more info

For some reason, whenever I make a change to my code, some of ```nativescript-contacts``` files get triggered by Webpack, which in turn makes HMR do a full restart of the...

In [npm]( the last release was 2 years ago, but the repository has received commits since then, including some that would make it compatible with NS7 and NS8. So, I...

Filemanager creates a folder with the special characters messed up, like "Licitações" turning into "Licitações". The select file callback returns the correct name, so when I try to access the...


### Make sure to check the demo app(s) for sample usage ### Make sure to check the existing issues in this repository ### If the demo apps cannot help and...