Andres Chamorro
Andres Chamorro
Hi there, I'm running into the exact same error, using XDXD's algorithm on a different dataset. Let me know if you've found other advise on how to debug this. Thanks...
@nrweir Thanks for the response. I did not change much in the config file, except for some data specs and the image_type to 8-bit. I also tried with z-score (even...
I'm having the exact same error, running on OS X 10.11.3 (Capitan), Vagrant 1.8.5, and VirtualBox 5.1.2. Will this keep me from running the ipython notebook, or can I start...
Hi @DahnJ Long time on this issue but.. I've modified [polyfill ]( with the idea suggested above (not sure if you were planning on making changes). This solution below does...
I would be interested in this feature. Based on experience, I don't think the majority of world bank repos will require this so it shouldn't be part of the default...