In Pale Moon 28, the OK button and Enter fail to work in the individual search engine edit window. The Cancel button works though. This means that individual search engines...
On my PM, both the OK button *and* the Enter key fail - but only in the engine **editor** window (i.e. when I edit a specific engine). In the **management**...
Well, of course manual editing in the xml file is still possible but I would not need an addon for that.
I can confirm that the Enter/OK problem is now solved in version 1.96.04. Thank you! I can edit the engines again (and just when I needed).
One more reflection on the drag and drop issue: if it is no longer possible to change the order of search engines by drag and drop in Pale Moon 28,...
Strangely enough, I found that in Pale Moon 28.9.0 the OK button in the individual search engine edit window is not working again, or at least so it seems. When...
Thanks for fixing this once again!