Andrei Erdoss
Andrei Erdoss
Would it be possible to add the cached votes column? I think it would make the code cleaner and more performant. Thank you
I have a fix for this in my repo - . I hope that soon this will be added to the official repo.
Thank you for providing the steps. Bellow is the script that I attached to the Quad, but I'm getting errors. If you could post your demo in it's current state,...
@Flafla2 I have the Motion Plus extension added to the Wiimote. How would you integrate the motion plus rotation data with the IR points? Would I combine PitchSpeed and RollSpeed...
@Flafla2 any luck putting a solution together? Please let me know how I could help.
As someone else mentioned, all the other Twitter gems are dead, so it would be useful to keep this one alive.