Desi am ST lite + ST Pro instalate si activate, licenta activata, tot imi apare mesajul de Upgrade now in acest tab:
Dupa ce am instalat ST lite, cand am mers in Settings am putut sa vad, accesez tab-ul de License si sa imi activez licenta. Acest tab ar trebui sa fie...
Cand incerc sa dau copy la shortcode sau la download link din listarea generala aici: tooltip imi zice ca este copiat, dar cand incerc sa adaug pe o pagina...
Latest versions of download monitor , download monitor pro, page addon, buttons addon, captcha addon. First create a button style and apply this as default from the general Download Monitor...
- install the latest version of Download Monitor; - install Download Monitor Pro; - install the latest version of the Page Addon extension. - install the latest version of the...
When enabling the shop feature and trying to add a product, if I click the Insert download option I see the following warning: