André Sousa

Results 8 comments of André Sousa

Hello. If it is possible with `BottomSheetDialogFragment` it should be possible with `SuperBottomSheetFragment`. Can you please post more info about the issue you are having?

Hello @hassan31 do you mean having a bottom sheet with some content and then changing its content when clicking on an item?

Hello Can you please the bottom sheet configuration you are using?

Hello I don't understand you question since a swipe is the default way of expanding a bottom sheet. Can you please provide more info on the issue you are having?

We have a similar problem in a multi module project. Basically in the non-android modules we are unable to run our custom lints. @tnorbye there a way to fix it?

@sjudd Any update on this?

Here are my conclusions so far on this matter. I created a sample app that shows a list of gif links: ``` "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""...

@lucasgriotto very simple: **Glide** ``` Glide.with(holder.binding.imageView) .asGif() .load(image[position]) .into(holder.binding.imageView) .clearOnDetach() ``` **Fresco** ``` val hierarchy = holder.binding.imageView.hierarchy hierarchy.fadeDuration = 0 holder.binding.imageView.hierarchy = hierarchy holder.binding.imageView.controller = Fresco.newDraweeControllerBuilder() .setImageRequest(ImageRequest.fromUri(image[position])) .setAutoPlayAnimations(true) .build() ```