
Results 8 comments of andreddosantos

Same issue here, the app stops after 5 minutes. Tested every sugestion above..

Yes while in background i used to call a sqliteplugin to persist some coordinates and now after five minute the calls to the sqlite just pile in the callstack

It seems like ol does not exists. And I believe that's expected. Regards

Hello @gberaudo thank you very much for your help! I've tried the ldl fashion installation and have the same behavior.

@hpinkos just downloaded the 1.5 Cesium version and this error is still happening. ![img_0638]( p

Yup! So i'm loading a tile from a local nodejs server running in iOS from the ionic framework. const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(this.el.nativeElement, { scene3DOnly: true, selectionIndicator: false, animation: true,...

DEBUG : ``` Cartesian3.normalize = function(cartesian, result) { Check.typeOf.object('cartesian', cartesian); Check.typeOf.object('result', result); var magnitude = Cartesian3.magnitude(cartesian); result.x = cartesian.x / magnitude; result.y = cartesian.y / magnitude; result.z = cartesian.z /...

@gtzaniboni thank you for answer, i''ve done a similar local fix myself ahah, and its kind of working, at least the app doesn't crash and i get to see the...