Andreas Grimm

Results 11 comments of Andreas Grimm

@johnpapa doesn't that line: ``` javascript .pipe(gulp.dest(pkg.paths.stage)) // write the index.html file changes ``` ... write out all the files in the (at that very moment unfiltered) stream instead of...

neither do they seem to work in: ``` WebStorm 2016.1.1 Build #WS-145.597 JRE: 1.8.0_40-release-b132 x86_64 JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o ``` on Mac OS-X 10.11.4 (15E65)

@tauren I can't get coverage reports working at all when trying to use on-the-fly transpilation (which is what karma-jspm is doing here I guess). I see a lot of other...

yes. I'm using jspm to load angular in my actual app. that work's just fine. I'm not doing anything special. in the `main.js` entry file (the one that get's loaded...

I wasn't testing with all the newest versions of each involved component. now I tested with `[email protected]` (which brings in `[email protected]` `es6-module-loader v0.9.4` `[email protected]` `[email protected]`) and with `[email protected]` (installed manually,...

seems it has something to do with (the way I'm) testing angular directives. If I'm only testing some angular controllers, then the behavior is consistent. I'll try to narrow it...

further it seems, that it is related to handling globals (in an modular environment). in this case the globas of `angular-mocks` module. `beforeEach( module( 'some-directive-module' ));` produces the inconsistent behavior....

It's definately working all the time if I'm not importing `angular-material` (and it's dependencies like hammer.js). hammer.js must be made available for angular-material as a global .. but itself is...

@guybedford not at the moment I guess. what adds to the problem here is that it seems that when a spec file contains errors, e.g. with the import syntax, then...