Andrea Schiappacasse
Andrea Schiappacasse
+1 After initial enthusiasm, I went back to css styled hrefs in all of my use cases due to this.
This is a very needed feature, I ended up creating my own custom image on a private ecr, but using an official AWS image would be obviously beneficial.
a big +1. my client just requested if it's possible to make the week in the selector start on mondays :( I will probably resort to implement a custom component...
+1 on this issue, it would be useful in many use cases. In our case, we are wrapping many dashboards developed with different services (quicksight, qlik, custom web pages) in...
Hi @HIL340, I am trying to use #16 , am I right in saying that dataclasses are not supported? Seems like an internal casting from the instance to a BaseModel...
Hi @HIL340 and thank you very much! I'll test it out asap and add any relevant comments!