Andrea Bisello
Andrea Bisello
have you tried fOption.setAcceptInsecureCerts(true) ?
Same issue, and i'm running code manually, very slowly. Here there are some info about limit (
@rainmanwy Capture Screen take a screenshot of the screen, but the filename is auto generated. It can be very useful if i can choose the filename, that because i'm using...
@rainmanwy yes i know that sikuli will capture all the screen. a filename parameter should be easier to use than a returned filename, also for the file path, anyway a...
@rainmanwy yeah, but Similiarity is very very low. i'm not able to read your comment, links are not found. so you are able to store a png with a transparent...
thanks @RaiMan . making a screenshot comparison searching for UX regression (in this use case, two buttons disappeared) in entire screen is hard to obtain. i think i can split...
@RaiMan at the beginning, i manually create screenshot of the area i aspect can be different, but this approach needs a heavy manual work on different browser, operative system, graphical...
with this i created a keyword that split the image obtained with Capture Page Screenshot in 9 images, then my "User Must To See" now search for the image...
@rainmanwy i don't know if sikuli can obtain benefit searching an image in a smaller region than the screen region. if yes, setting area can be useful for sikuli. if...
so i think now we can close this issue and we can improve documentation with these points 1) match score > 0.99 is taken as exact 2) scores are stripped...