
Results 88 comments of andk

Thanks, Olaf, for the confirmation. Similar cases: ``` text -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 105985 2015-12-22T17:07:44 PDF-Cropmarks-0.03.tar.gz ``` and ``` text -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 362756 2015-12-02T10:35:01 HTML-Valid-0.02.tar.gz ```...

I just tripped over missing Flickr-Tools-1.21_02 which was released 2015-11-15. That would confirm my theory that metacpan has some black holes around end of 2015.

The next one: POE-Component-YubiAuth 0.08 2015-11-28 (according to changes file) I post this just for the record, hoping I can find a way to provide you a list of all...

Deleted files are communicated the same way as added and changed files: File-Rsync-Mirror-Recent. The collection of "RECENT" files has them. The script should not have more than a few lines....

>>>>> On Tue, 11 Jun 2019 16:11:55 -0700, Dimitrios Kechagias said: > I've had a PAUSE account for 2-3 months. I noticed my email > did not work, I...

I've been informed that the email forwarding mechanism at the moment requires some manual intervention. It will likely take another few days to get the next batch of new emails...

The request is missing a motivation section that explains what this pull request is trying to achieve which cannot be achieved otherwise. And it seems to violate the DRY principle,...

>>>>> On Fri, 13 Jan 2017 18:58:09 -0800, brian d foy said: > This is very curious and I don't have ideas on what may be causing > this. Works...

Thanks, Karen, for the reminder and Thanks, Dan, in the first place for the patch. Released as 2.34-TRIAL just a minute ago

Same as: % perl -E 'say bless({})->MIME::Entity' Can't locate object method "Entity" via package "MIME" (perhaps you forgot to load "MIME"?) at -e line 1. ## andreas