Johan Andersson
Johan Andersson
This should be fixed with changes made in #28
What I don't get from this error is that the numbers seems wrong. It always says limit 30 and remaining 29, while in any other example we see limit 1000,...
> We had the same, publish to npm registry not happened because of this error and on restart of action It was not publishing already, I guess because finding own...
@sdispater Great job! We're currently moving everything to latest poetry from 1.0.10 and python 3.11 but are struggling a bit without prebuilt 3.11 wheels for pendulum 2.x. Is there a...
I stumbled across this issue when I discovered my script using System.Net.WebClient worked on pwsh but not on Windows. On Windows, or in Windows Powershell, you'll get a 401 Unauthorized...
@markekraus Thanks! Sure, I'll do that. It seemed related to me and I didn't want to add duplicate issues.
> It will be good if we can just force a repo to use a workflow file from another repo so that we can easily protected the workflow file repo...
> Actually I find the GitLab Solution on this front pretty smart. In the Secret Defitions ("CI/CD Variables" call in GitLab) you can tick a box "Protected", with protected =...
I was setting up a test repo to try out v3 to see how the switch to pipx would affect us. I was surprised of the installation attempt of pipx....
@Tinche I'm not sure if this is the same problem, but it seems to be an issue with the tagged union. It works fine if I don't use that. Example:...