Anders Ekdahl
Anders Ekdahl
When using this module with Webpack I get an error because `typed-css-modules` tries to resolve an import/composes path but we have custom path handling in Webpack so `typed-css-modules` won't be...
Hi! First off, thanks for a great plugin! When I added it to our React/TypeScript project I got errors on our imports of svg files. The error was this: ```...
Hi! We're using node-localstorage in Next.js apps and noticed that node-localstorage ends up in our browser bundle. We've been able to remove it by doing some webpack tomfoolery and wanted...
### Describe the problem I've had the need to create snippets (specifically for the children prop) both in unit tests as well as in Storybook. My current workaround has been...
Hi! This is mostly directed to @PeteDuncanson. We had a discussion over at about which engine to use to server render React. After first playing with Edge.js to do...
When using Node.js, it's common to use the `cluster` module to fork a process per CPU core. I don't think anyone disagrees with the performance benefits of doing that. But...
I just cloned the repo as I'm very curious about this project. But there seems to be some work to be done to make it easy to use. Currently it...
This might not be a problem in svelte-loader but rather in the svelte compiler, but the issue shows itself in svelte-loader. When I created a `xxx.svelte.js` file which got included...
When calling `client.getAll('cdn/stories/', {})` it fails with: ``` TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object at Function.values () at file:///C:/Dev/xxx-2/node_modules/@storyblok/js/dist/storyblok-js.mjs:583:23 at () at b.flatMap (file:///C:/Dev/xxx-2/node_modules/@storyblok/js/dist/storyblok-js.mjs:65:105) at ct.getAll (file:///C:/Dev/xxx-2/node_modules/@storyblok/js/dist/storyblok-js.mjs:579:25)...
### Describe the problem From what I know it's not possible to hook into the serving of build artifacts in the `_app` folder. The biggest use case I have for...