Hi - did you find a solution?
Do you know if AirPrint can happen in the background, so the user doesn't have to go through any UI dialogs?
Totally understandable :) I will think of another solution.
Seeing this as well. Any news about this bug @animecyc ?
Although I had no problems doing what you want to do here it really is better to use Fokkes pause/resume solution described here: I implemented it yesterday and it...
Spent all afternoon trying to figure out why my menu did'nt work on Android. Switched from "CLOSE_MODE_ALL" to "CLOSE_MODE_MARGIN" and now it does :)
Both iOS and Android. I can see that I did'nt really explain it very well initially. What I need is a function that can enable/disable the right drawer anytime. It...
Sorry to say - I did'nt.
No one else is seeing this?
Just checked the crash log again - 100% of the crashes happens on Huawei devices 😒 So probably nothing to do about it? Crashes seen on Android 8.0, 8.1, 9.0...