Hi, Is there a plan to support the following features (for SIDB): - RMAN backup - Observer and automatic failover - Anti-affinity (to guarantee that primary and physical standby(s) are...
Creating Single Instance Database Clone fails with the following error: ``` [2023:12:05 08:44:20]: Acquiring lock .ORAW.create_lck with heartbeat 30 secs [2023:12:05 08:44:20]: Lock acquired [2023:12:05 08:44:20]: Starting heartbeat [2023:12:05 08:44:20]:...
Installation hangs every time on "Waiting for machine-controller to come up". KubeOne version: 1.18.1 (installed on a RHEL 8 host) Image: Rocky Linux 8.10 Provider: Openstack Control plane VM flavor:...
Hi, It seems DG Broker is not able to detect that primary database is down, the status is Healthy all the time. Standby detected that the primary is down: ```...
Hi, Improvement suggestion for SIDB: Please consider adding support for resource management using Kubernetes limits and resources. Best regards, Andreas
Hi, Would be possible to use OraOperator for SIDB in the case where there are multiple K8s clusters. We might would like to have the primary instance on one of...