SUSTech Design and Learning Lab

Results 6 comments of SUSTech Design and Learning Lab

I’m able to open some step files I uploaded on GitHub. However, I found that jsketcher fail to read some other step files for example I can read the...

I have run a similar test in rlbench. I found the first 5 episode is normal and the computation is run on GPU as expected. But after that, the computation...

not sure if it helps but I'm working on a PR including a robotiq 3 finger gripper and a ur5 arm for simulation [ancorasir_urobotiq]( currently experiencing problems with rostopic /left_hand/command...

@gavanderhoorn sorry but I'm not exactly sure, can make the gazebo simulation work just like the drcsim's robotiq tutorial, but somehow the left_hand/command and left_hand/state topics are not showing up,...

@TheDash could you please explain a little bit more on the following line? new to ROS, sorry about that > get the atlas gazebo plugins and port them over do...