it's set by default to false, for part segmentation (pointnet2_part_seg_ssg.py) `classifier = MODEL.get_model(NUM_CLASSES,normal_channel=False)`
I guess it correspond to unknown labels, there's unknown and missed labels :)
you can create your own class SemanticKITTIDataset and use it instead of S3DISDataset that provide points and labels, the input of pointnet2 semseg is (batch_size,num_point,9) where default batch_size is 16...
Thanks for your replay ! I figured out that the opt variable don’t exist on windows and i commented those lines too, still have a problem with cuda_home var path,...
thanks a lot, i maid it work, i just used conda instead of pip to install the required libs and it failed :/, using pip as mentioned in init.sh worked...
i resolved it, you can get rid of it (one simple function sa_create in dataset class that you can change), i will share my code :)
Sorry for my late reply, I’m using S3DIS dataset which i already have ( I’ve downloaded it and preprocessed it following the steps mentioned [here](https://github.com/charlesq34/pointnet2 ) ), it’s the same...