Kaique Nunes

Results 16 comments of Kaique Nunes

@tabcat Updating the version of **orbit-db-identity-provider** to **^0.4.0** in **orbit-db/package.json** fixed it. Thank you very much! I think we'd better make a pull request now, don't you?

Uma espécie de "hash de verificação" seria de extrema ajuda, em especial podendo ser verificada com segurança por um terceiro, sem burocracias. Isto permitiria, por exemplo, que os intermediários de...

I have this same error. Mac OS Hight Sierra Version 10.13.3 When I try the install, I receive this error: $ npm install blockchat -g npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: please...

I used "nvm use 8.2" And I already updated to [email protected] But still not working. The same error.

> I don't think that there is support for IPFS. Isomorphic-git AFIK works only with smart HTTP protocol. You would need to implement support before you can use something else....

> I know nothing about IPFS but if there is an error that it doesn't talk smart HTTP protocol it means that this type of repo is not supported. Yes....

Any news about this feature request?

orbit-db v29.0 is already implementing identity-provider-interface v0.5.

If anyone is still having the problem, it is already possible to limit the file size with **@aws-sdk/s3-presigned-post** https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/modules/_aws_sdk_s3_presigned_post.html Server and Client code example here: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js/issues/4064#issuecomment-1463422404 Now you can close...