Anant Garg
Anant Garg
Looks like htaccess issue. Warm Regards, Anant Garg Inscripts On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 7:09 PM, shenilled [email protected] wrote: > " Not Found > > The requested URL _/users/login_...
Looks like some error in your htaccess. Please check once. Warm Regards, Anant Garg Inscripts On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 5:38 PM, Luis Marques [email protected] wrote: > Just installed...
Yes, you may need to edit it slightly to get it to work with your server. Warm Regards, Anant Garg Inscripts On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 3:27 AM, Luis...
I'm unable to replicate the error. Are you facing it on
Facebook's code has changed. I think you'll have to make some modifications to this code. Shouldn't be anything major.
I haven't had the time to fix it. If someone can take the time to fix it and do a pull request, I'd be happy to patch it.
Can you please elaborate?
Currently ST supports FB pages only. Will add support for FB user timelines in the near future.
Yes, this is a known issue. I haven't had the time to resolve it. If someone can fix it and raise a pull request, I'd be happy to merge it.
The Facebook API has been updated. So it needs to be updated in this code as well.