@inquam if above answer worked, please report back so i can close the issue. Also, just adding that what @robflate suggested is what i use for plex on my Synology...
I have the same NUC and I am running 64 containers without any issues. And this includes motioneye and zoneminder that are recording videos constantly. > mine is a [NUC8i5BEH](
I do not use traefik error pages anymore. But looks like you are missing host informatoin below. ` - "traefik.http.routers.errorpages-rtr.rule=HostRegexp(`{host:.+}`)"`
@stratosgear I can consider adding a backup system. But your comment on docker binaries etc is easily addressed with .gitignore. My .gitignore by default ignores all the contents of the...
Sorry for the delay. The reason i havent' merged this yet is because i will have to modify a whole bunch of documentation to reflect this.
This is one of the most commonly overlooked steps in docker secrets:
@jo-me you are correct. I do not use OAuth. So I did not bother to check the code. I have fixed it now. However, the way to get secrets working...
Do you get this fixed? I do not see an A record. I assume you have that in your DNS list. Also, did you look at your traefik logs for...
This PR should address it:
I am struggling with this one too. Any help would be much appreciated.