Anand Hegde
Anand Hegde
Anyway to set the runtime in one of the ~/.zshrc file? My homebrew vim is installed at `/usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.0.1500/share/vim/vim80/`
yes, I reinstalled vim with the --with-override-system-vi flag. Still getting the same error. My /usr/local/bin is ahead in the $PATH, so it is using the latest vim from the homebrew...
`:echo $VIMRUNTIME` from inside vim gives me `/usr/local/share/vim/vim80` and I see an indent/html.vim file in there.
`:source $VIMRUNTIME/indent/html.vim` doesnt return any error `:call HtmlIndent()` returns unknown function.
Yes, it looks exactly like that.
Thanks a lot for the help in debugging this. It turned out to be because of the [vim-polyglot]( plugin that comes bundled with [YADR]( . I removed that plugin and...
Here is the commander.log output ``` 2017-02-10 16:17:00,998 [main] INFO de.sfdccommander.viewer.SfdcCommander - Application started. 2017-02-10 16:17:01,003 [main] INFO de.sfdccommander.viewer.SfdcCommander - Starting sfdcCommander... 2017-02-10 16:18:44,579 [main] INFO de.sfdccommander.viewer.SfdcCommander - Application started....