Using a dynamic sidebarMenu loses some functionality after update. If you run this code, at first you can click on 'Menu item' to repeatedly hide and show 'Sub Menu 0'....
Hi again, How can I prevent showing the loading spinner when using screenOutput? I tried to use the standard class for the next button but this causes some strange behaviour....
Using hc_exporting the png or jpeg images are formatted with different colours than the original plot. I tried on Linux and Mac and get the same outcome. Highcharter version 0.9.4...
Hi, is it possible to apply a freeze-pane as you can do in Excel and jspreadsheet? (often referred to as sticky columns in javascript) With wide tables it is often...
Hi, very cool package. I was expecting this example to not show a button (similar to easyClose = FALSE for a shiny::modalDialog). Please advise how I can remove the button....