Artem Nakorenko
Artem Nakorenko
Thank you, @Hadatko, for quick replay. If architecture isn`t an issue how to configure threading in erpc_config.h? Can I setup client for pthread and server for freertos multithreading?
Thank you, your answer helped me. But i have another questions do i need to use arbitrator in this case?
Greate, thanks, now i`m trying to make my callbacks work using examples from test directory, but somehow receiving strange error when trying to compile server-side of the application: ``` /usr/local/gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld:...
Yep, now it works, and what about second question?
Hello again, can i use arbitrator on linux-rtos communication setup? I have seen couple of examples and in every FreeRTOS is used to run client and server tasks simultaneously. But...
Thanks, it works. And i have another question. I have structure defined on server (not generated by erpc) an i want to call it on client using callback. This is...
> Thanks @anakorenko for the issue and for trying out Zeek Agent. We are aware that Zeek Agent does not work with Zeek version 4 and currently, there is no...