Results 5 issues of Anaanook

Feel free to close this if I am mistaken, but as far as I can tell the TexturePacker json is lacking a few critical features, mainly sprite trimming/rotation flags. ```...


I have content is named "test.json" and the texture is "test.tex.png" `Content.Load("test");` Throws an overflow exception. **If I change the name of the texture to "test_tex.png", it loads fine.** Seems...


Maybe I'm an idiot: ``` struct CubicSpline { vec3 m_points[SPLINE_POINTS]; vec3 m_coeffs[SPLINE_POINTS-1][4]; ``` This initializes m_coeffs with an array size of [15], with available indexes from 0-14. ``` int n...

![env]( ```sphericalHarmonics.getCoefficientsFromFile("test.png")``` Seems to be straighforward usage but its throwing an error: ``` File "C:\Users\anna\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\", line 171, in getCoefficientsFromImage sh_basis_matrix = getCoefficientsMatrix(xres, lmax) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\anna\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\", line 142, in getCoefficientsMatrix...

### Tested versions Tested in in 4.3-stable and 4.4 beta 4 ### System information Godot v4.4.beta4 - Windows 11 (build 22631) - Multi-window, 1 monitor - Vulkan (Mobile) - dedicated...
