@Link2Twenty Bringing your suggestion to the PR to this issue to make sure folks are aware of it!
@mirie I saw that Suzanne is actively guiding the contributor in a PR ( for this issue, so I assigned this issue to Suzanne (and I would to @jeferson-sb, too,...
I agree a post would be the most straightforward. We can just embed the video @anujbhavsar96 provided here. I think we should bundle this one and also the ability...
As not everyone reads announcement posts, for discoverability, one thing we could consider is to adding a tooltip when users hover over the number of likes. @anujbhavsar96 how do you...
> The only thing about a standard tooltip is that not all users can hover - anyone using a touch device will be missing this information 🙁 @aitchiss What would...
@anujbhavsar96 I like this new approach! I think the new comment count introduced would also serve as a good alternative entry point that allow users get to the comment section...
@aitchiss I think so! Thank you, Suzanne.
@jeremyf out of all 3, 3 would be a good candidate for CE pod to tackle if anyone has time or would like to change things up a little!
I agree. Let's go with the long-term solution. Thank you @lightalloy!
@mirie Can someone from the team help with this?